Time | Servings | Difficulty |
05:35 | 3 | Easy |
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Cassoulet is a story of patience, but it’s really worth it. It’s a recipe that has a lot of flavor and the slow cooking of all the products makes this Toulouse specialty a real comforting and convivial dish.
The extra thing:
- You can be satisfied with 2 firings instead of 3.
- It is best to make this dish the day before.
- Between cooking, a crust may form on the surface, it must be broken with a spoon and continue cooking.
500 g white beans Attention, il faut qu’ils aient trempés 1 nuit dans de l’eau. | |
200 g crushed tomatoes | |
3 duck confit legs | |
0.5 carrot épluchée | |
500 g Toulouse sausages | |
150 g smoked pork belly | |
2 tbsp olive oil | |
4 cloves of garlic | |
1 shallot | |
1 bouquet garni (3 c-à-s de thym, 1 branche de céleri, 2 feuilles de laurier) | |
1 tbsp pepper grains de poivre entiers | |
2 cloves | |
2 tbsp tomato paste | |
2 tbsp goose fat (celle des confits) |
Prepare the White BeansDrain the white beans.
Pour the white beans into a saucepan with 2 to 3 times their volume of water, with the bouquet garni. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Drain and reserve. |
Start cooking the cassouletIn a large, thick-bottomed casserole dish, melt the goose fat.
Peel and chop the shallot and the garlic (without its germ). |
Pour the olive oil and brown the shallot, garlic and crushed tomatoes over medium heat.
Continue cooking for 10 minutes over low heat. |
Degrease the duck legs and remove the skin. To book.
Bring a skillet to medium heat. Pierce the sausages and grill them over medium heat. |
In the casserole, pour the white beans, the celery stalk studded with cloves, the pork belly, the carrot, the peppercorns and the tomato puree. Then bury the whole duck legs and the Toulouse sausages.
Cover with water and cook covered over low heat without stirring.
Bake for 90 minutes. Leave to cool completely and return to cook over low heat, covered, for 90 minutes 2 more times. |
Serve, taking care to remove the carrot and celery which are only present to give taste.